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to spur (on)

См. также в других словарях:

  • SPUR — SPUR, auch S. P. U. R., war eine avantgardistische Gruppe bildender Künstler, die 1958 in München gegründet wurde. Sie leistete einen wichtigen künstlerischen und mit ihrem Manifest auch theoretischen Beitrag zur deutschen Avantgarde nach 1945.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spur — Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur fowl — Spur Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur gear — Spur Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur gearing — Spur Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur pepper — Spur Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur wheel — Spur Spur, n. [OE. spure, spore, AS. spura, spora; akin to D. spoor, G. sporn, OHG. sporo, Icel. spori, Dan. spore, Sw. sporre, and to AS. spor a trace, footstep, spyrian to trace, track, examine, and E. spurn. [root]171. Cf. {Sparrow}, {Spere},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spur (Texas) — Spur Ciudad de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • spur — spur; spur·blind; spur·less; spur·ling; spur·ri·er; spur·ry; spur·tive; spur·tle; spur·rey; …   English syllables

  • Spur — Spur: Das altgerm. Substantiv mhd. spur, spor, ahd. spor, niederl. spoor, aengl. spor, schwed. spår ist im Sinne von »Tritt, Fußabdruck« verwandt mit ahd. spurnan »spornen«, aengl. spurnan »anstoßen, verschmähen« und aisl. sporna, sperna »treten …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • spur — [spʉr] n. [ME spure < OE spura, akin to Ger sporn < IE base * sp(h)er , to jerk, push with the foot > SPURN, Sans sphurāti, (he) kicks away, L spernere, lit., to push away] 1. any of various pointed devices worn on the heel by the rider… …   English World dictionary

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